If MASHUP all the CREATORS is bringing an unprecedented disturbance to C-LAB, where the former Air Force Command Headquarters located, what does it aim to subvert exactly?
The exhibition Re-Base: When Experiments Become Attitude covered five buildings of the C-LAB: Art Space I, Art Space II, Art Space III, Art Space IV, the New Office Building, and the Political Warfare Building.
In a conversation with curator WANG Jun-Jieh, we reorganized his active imagination on the “experimentation” concept of the exhibition Re-Base: When Experiments Become Attitude.
Cultural experimentation anticipates a disobedient attitude that facilitates cultural reversion and creative collision. When experiments become an attitude, a wide spectrum of cultural initiatives and fresh paths will unfold and extend like water, shock, sonic, light, or electric waves.
C-LAB hopes to showcase the cultures of contemporary creators, makers, sharers and participants to nurture a fresh ecology of cultural creation, which emerges as a cloud sharing platform for all contemporary readers, utilizing humanistic digital technologies while incorporating contemporary art perspectives as well as cultural observation to introduce innovation into society through culture.
CLABO, an online journal published by C-LAB, aims to create confluences of cultural creators and serve as a community platform for all partners of cultural experiment projects. With unprecedented cultural experiments, we have started bravely venturing into the future!
Editorial Team
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