mapalak tnbarah: Fusion in Pulima Art Festival

The fifth edition of Pulima Art Festival, entitled “mapalak tnbarah,” was planned by Dondon Hounwn and Lovenose. Through the exhibition’s storyline, audiences are led on a journey of its six curators who each returned to their respective communities and developed different methods of dialogue with the land in response to different issues.

In the Paiwan language, “mapalak” means damaged or broken. In the Truku language, “tnbarah” means a vibrant space of life and rebirth like the first rays of sun reflected at dawn. When hunters enter their hunting grounds, they break branches to mark their way. This act undoes the original state of being, yet opens up new paths and possibilities, which responds to the process of indigenous people renewing their pursuit of traditions following colonialism and capitalism. Due to changes in the environment and time-space background, traditions picked up and reorganized by indigenous youth differ from those of the past. With overlapping contemporary meaning, new traditions of this generation are created.

CHEN Yun, My room at Dowmung, 2020. Photo © C-LAB
Pulimaindigenous peoplesland